All About Color

Why We See Color..

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When we think we are seeing color, we are really seeing wavelengths. Wavelengths are the space between points in a wave of energy. For Example,
*The highest amount of energy are the dark blues and purples
*The middle area are the yellows and greens
*And the lowest amount of energy are the orange and reds

What is Color?

 Color is a reflection of light, that our eyes see, and our brain processes as different colors. Color derives from the spectrum of light. The color white is made up of many different wavelengths of color.

How We See Color..

Newton discovered that color isn't actually in objects. It's actually just light reflecting and absorbing off of different objects. Different materials in objects make the colors differ. We see color with the cones in our eyes, which you can read more about in the next paragraph.

Color in the Eye..

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This photo contains 1 million different pixels, each pixel is a different color. The human eye can distinguish about 10 million different colors with the cones in our eyes. Cones are the light sensors in your eye that sense different wavelengths of colors. There are three different types of cone cells an M cone, L cone, and an S cone. The cones in your eyes are also called the retina. Your retina is about the size of a quarter and is located at the back of your eye. Your retina has red, blue, and green cones, which are sensitive to those colors and combinations of them. You need all three types to see colors properly.

When your cones don't work properly, or you don't have the right combination, your brain doesn't get the right message about which colors you're seeing. To someone who's color blind, a green leaf might look tan or grey.